50 Examples of ‘Review’ in a Sentence

50 Examples of ‘Review’ in a Sentence

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In our daily lives, the word Review in a Sentence holds significant importance. Whether we are reading a book, watching a movie, or trying out a new restaurant, the concept of review helps us make informed decisions. A review is essentially an evaluation or assessment of something based on certain criteria. It gives us an insight into the quality, performance, or characteristics of a particular thing or experience. For instance, when we browse through online platforms to decide which movie to watch, we often look at the reviews provided by other viewers. These reviews help us gauge whether the movie is worth our time and money.

Similarly, when we are considering purchasing a product from an online store, we tend to read the reviews shared by other buyers. These reviews provide us with valuable information about the product’s features, durability, and overall satisfaction level. In essence, a review serves as a guide, helping us navigate through various options and make choices that align with our preferences and expectations. Whether positive or negative, reviews play a crucial role in shaping our decisions and experiences.

Now, let’s explore 50 examples that incorporate the word ‘Review’ in a sentence to better understand its usage in English. The following are the 50 Examples of ‘Review’ in a Sentence:

  1. I must review my notes before the exam.
  2. The restaurant received a positive review from the food blogger.
  3. Let’s review the terms of the agreement before signing.
  4. The teacher asked the students to review the previous lesson.
  5. I’ll need to review your performance before giving you feedback.
  6. The committee will review the proposal at the next meeting.
  7. He asked for a second review of his manuscript before publication.
  8. The doctor will always review the medical history before prescribing any medication.
  9. We need to review our budget to see where we can cut costs.
  10. The film received mostly mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike.
  11. She gave a detailed review of the novel during the book club meeting.
  12. The manager will review your job application and get back to you soon.
  13. Can you review my essay and provide feedback?
  14. Let’s review the safety procedures before starting the experiment.
  15. The company conducts regular performance reviews for its employees.
  16. He promised to review his decision after considering all options.
  17. The expert panel will review the findings of the study.
  18. She decided to review her goals for the upcoming year.
  19. The board will review the candidate’s qualifications before making a decision.
  20. We should review the itinerary before finalizing our travel plans.
  21. The editor asked the writer to review and revise the article.
  22. The manager called for a comprehensive review of the project timeline.
  23. They plan to review the company’s policies regarding employee benefits.
  24. The CEO requested a review of the quarterly financial reports.
  25. It’s important to review the terms and conditions before making a purchase online.
  26. The team will review the feedback received from customers.
  27. The professor will review the exam questions before distributing them to students.
  28. She gave a positive review of the new restaurant to her friends.
  29. We should review our progress towards achieving our goals.
  30. The government will review the existing laws to ensure they are still relevant.
  31. Let’s review the presentation slides before the meeting.
  32. The manager scheduled a performance review for all employees next week.
  33. He decided to review his investment portfolio with a financial advisor.
  34. The committee will review the candidate’s qualifications before making a recommendation.
  35. She plans to review the project proposal with her team tomorrow.
  36. The council will review the zoning laws in light of recent developments.
  37. Let’s review the minutes from the last meeting before we proceed.
  38. He asked for a peer review of his research paper before submitting it.
  39. The principal will review the student’s disciplinary record before making a decision.
  40. The software company conducts regular code reviews to ensure quality.
  41. The supervisor will review your performance over the past month.
  42. The committee will review the applications and select the top candidates.
  43. We need to review the contract before finalizing the deal.
  44. The board will review the company’s performance during the annual meeting.
  45. She decided to review her investments after receiving financial advice.
  46. The coach will review the game footage to identify areas for improvement.
  47. Let’s review the feedback from customers and make necessary changes.
  48. The committee will review the proposed changes to the policy.
  49. He asked for a review of his resume before applying for the job.
  50. The teacher will review the material covered in class for the upcoming exam.
See also  100 English Sentences For Daily Use

Review in a Sentence

Why Do We Need Sentences of ‘Review’? Sentences containing the word “review” are essential because they help us assess, evaluate, and analyze various aspects of different situations, tasks, or materials. Whether it’s reviewing performance, feedback, agreements, or documents, the process allows us to gain insights, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions. Without the ability to review, we would often find ourselves navigating blindly through life’s challenges, unaware of our progress or shortcomings.

Meaning, Concept, and Structure: The word “review” in a sentence serves as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to the process of examining or evaluating something critically. For example, “The book received a positive review from critics.” As a verb, it denotes the action of critically examining or assessing something. For instance, “I need to review my notes before the exam.” In both cases, the word “review” indicates a thorough evaluation or assessment aimed at understanding, analyzing, or critiquing a particular subject matter.

In terms of structure, sentences containing the word “review” typically follow a subject-verb-object pattern, where the subject initiates the action of reviewing, the verb denotes the action itself, and the object specifies what is being reviewed. For example, “The manager will review the project proposal.” This structure allows for clear communication and comprehension of the review process and its objectives.

Who Needs to Learn Such Sentences and Why? Learning how to construct sentences with the word “review” is beneficial for individuals across various domains and professions. Students can use these sentences to discuss their academic performance, analyze literature, or critique research findings. Professionals in fields such as business, law, and healthcare can employ these sentences to assess performance, evaluate documents, or review policies and procedures. Additionally, individuals seeking feedback, guidance, or validation can leverage these sentences to initiate constructive conversations and foster growth and development.

In conclusion, the concept of review in a sentence is integral to our daily lives, enabling us to assess, evaluate, and analyze various aspects of our experiences, work, and interactions. Whether it’s reviewing performance, feedback, agreements, or documents, the ability to critically examine and assess information allows us to make informed decisions, identify areas for improvement, and strive for excellence. By understanding the meaning, concept, and structure of sentences containing the word “review,” we equip ourselves with a valuable tool for communication, analysis, and growth. As we navigate through life’s challenges and opportunities, let us embrace the power of review to guide our actions, shape our perspectives, and drive positive change.


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